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Get up and running on MacBook localhost quickly ⚡️

Easy way to get up and running on MacBook localhostSometimes I just want to get started real quickly with a new project. So instead spending hours or even days configuring docker images and so on and instead of repeating everything step-by-step I try to automate and document everything in case I forget what I did, which I do all the time. Sometimes I need to be able to work without any internet connection e.

Wearedevelopers - Berlin 🇩🇪🎉

We Are Developers Conference in BerlinI meant to post this right after the conference, but I got Covid, so I was knocked out for a week. Well, here it comes. So my company decided that we were gonna join the We Are Developers conference in Berlin. Which I never had heard about before, but I’ve been to conferences in Berlin twice before. Actually, I’ve been to a conference at the same venue before, CityCube, So I knew it was going to be a blast… mostly I was looking forward to get a full night sleep after 2 years of having babies.

Getting started with Vue in Matomo

Getting started with Vue in MatomoAt the time of writing, developing with Vue is not so straight forward. The documentation online is very scarse. But I managed to dig out some of it and listed it here: Matomo getting started with Vue => Getting started with Vue Matomo JavaScript and CSS => Working with Piwiks UI Matomo Vue => Vue: In Depth Vue PoC => POC: Vue.js 3 migration path #17805 Initial commit => [Vue] Introduce Vue + Workflow commands #17940 Description on assets pipeline => [Vue] Documentation on the asset pipeline and how Vue/TypeScript are handled #541 BuildingMatomo Core team has wrapped traditional Vue building scripts into PHP to run with the .

Install Hugo

Installing my first GH pages Gots to learn right!? First Read the official guide. Then I learned I could use Hugo. I love Go. I followed the Hugo Geting started-guide. Also how to install and deploy on Github. install on Github. I chose a theme I liked from the Hugo theme pages. Use the peaceiris/actions-hugo actions Some trial and errors later. You must change your Toml-file accordingly, in my case, from the theme I chose.